White Flag
The first mental health app with immediate customised peer support.
How does it work?
WhiteFlag is a peer-to-peer-based messaging experience. Upon sign-up, users identify a number of factors that allow the app to pair them with other users with similar experiences and struggles. Users seeking help need only tap a button to raise their WhiteFlag. Users looking to give support will identify a user looking for help through a Support Someone feature and initiate an anonymous chat. From there, users are left to connect organically. Users who have connected via the Support Someone tab can become friends and stay in touch. Likewise, users can add friends via username
Why is it needed?
Some people have a difficult time reaching out for help and want others to initiate support. WhiteFlag is designed to seamlessly and instantly match people who want to help ease suffering with those who need their support. Built by people who understand rock bottom, desperation and darkness, WhiteFlag is light in the dark and the link to someone who understands when it feels like no one can. Whether an individual is struggling with PTSD, depression, substance use, grief, divorce, or simply seeking advice, WhiteFlag is a safe space where things can be said and thought that, otherwise, one can not bear to hear. The community around WhiteFlag is ready to listen, hold space and relate.
How does it improve life?
The WhiteFlag App was developed by people who know what it's like to struggle with their mental health. Yet, The White Flag movement is dedicated to acceptance (real people helping people in pain), connection (connecting those who understand someone's pain), support (helping and giving immediate, anonymously and free help) and healing (is a safe space where it's okay not to be okay).