Unlocking valuable material hiding in every drop of industrial and natural water.
How does it work?
Aquammodate adapts nature’s finest separation for use in the recovery of high-purity raw materials like lithium, CO2, and pure water from any accessible water. The patented molecular separation technology was developed at Chalmers University of Technology with the purpose of accelerating the transition towards a resource-efficient and sustainable world from the bottom up. They transform how raw materials are supplied to enable convenient access to sustainably sourced materials of high quality.
Why is it needed?
Through this technology, Aquammodate can extract valuable materials from water, such as: recovery of battery-grade metals such as Lithium from industrial or natural water sources. High precision separation of pure water from even the smallest toxins. Efficient recovery of high purity water for reuse in wafer cleaning. Low-cost conversion of sea water into drinking water.
How does it improve life?
Aquammodate was founded in 2019 with the aim to bring this technology for energy-efficient and high purity grade resource recovery from water to people and industry in need.