Volta Greentech
Battling global warming by making cows fart and burp less methane gas, using seaweed
How does it work?
A FULLY NATURAL SEAWEED-BASED FEED SUPPLEMENT FOR COWS Volta Greentech is a feed supplement which, when fed to cows at a daily dose of 100 grams, reduces their enteric methane emissions (farts and burps) by up to 90%. Based on the red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis that contains high amounts of bioactive compounds, blocking one of the enzymes needed by the methane-producing bacteria in the rumen, it naturally prevents enteric methane production.
Why is it needed?
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a warming potential of more than 28 times that of CO2 and cattle are the no.1 source agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide.
How does it improve life?
It is not the cows that produce methane gasses, it is unwanted microorganisms in the cow's rumen tha produce methane as a waste product. The product is naturally and safely reducing methane-producing microorganisms at up to 90%.