Habeetats nesting shelters for solitary bees provide an abundant source of sustainable pollination.
Crafted using repurposed Dinesen Douglas fir, our sturdy nests serve as the ideal centerpiece of all that blooms, from backyard biodiversity to flourishing orchards. The rapid decline of honey bees due to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) calls for a change in the way we pollinate our gardens and crops. Fortunately, solitary bees make up more than 90% of all bee species ( > 25.000!!!) and are unaffected by CCD. By providing Habeetats nesting shelters for these gentle and vital creatures we can tap into an abundant source of sustainable pollination. Solitary bees are all born equal and every female is fertile and makes her own nest. These little but potent creatures are also gentle by nature and only sting if squeezed or stepped on. Unlike social bees, their sting is not known to elicit an allergic response. Solitary bees are therefore both beneficial and safe for children and pets.