ReSea Project
Helpings brands reinforce their purpose by being part of tackling plastic in oceans.
How does it work?
Being part of ReSea's cleanup mission enables businesses to combine profit and purpose to help create a better world. By creating the incentive for businesses to make a positive impact on the planet, ReSea has the means to take action against one of the most pressing environmental issues on the planet. The cleanup solution is community-driven. ReSea engages people in local communities to recover plastic waste polluting oceans and rivers. This allows them to raise awareness to stop plastic pollution at its source. The entire cleanup process is certified by the independent third party DNV. The certification of the cleanup process ensures the highest level of traceability, meaning that the reclaimed plastic from oceans and rivers can be traced all the way back to the location where it was recovered.
Why is it needed?
ReSea Project is a Danish company founded on the belief that businesses together have the force to make a real difference and accelerate the efforts needed to solve the ocean plastic crisis.
How does it improve life?
Resea's mission is to push the agenda for a plastic-free ocean by helping companies worldwide to put their environmental ambitions into action. The impact is solely dependent on businesses joining our movement. As the movement grows, so does the impact. The goal is to remove 10.000.000 kg of plastic waste from the ocean and rivers by 2025.