Caffe Inc.
Eco-friendly coffee-based resources
How does it work?
Caffe Inc. recovers beautiful resources from spent coffee grounds that fit the conscious lifestyle. For the personal care industry, they offer Caffe Inc. coffee oil, which has nourishing properties, beneficial for skin and hair. For the bio-based material industry, they offer Caffe Inc. coffee blocks as building blocks. And for the textile industry, they offer Caffe Inc. coffee colorants, which can be used to dye and print in all shades of brown. By using Caffe Inc. ingredients, companies can reduce their CO2 emissions and make use of the best nature has to offer.
Why is it needed?
Coffee is the fuel our society runs on. Only 1% of the coffee bean however is used to make coffee and the remaining 99% ends up as waste. In The Netherlands, around 250.000 tons of coffee waste (koffiedik) is produced per year. This results in the loss of valuable resources and it emits 8.5 million kg CO2, contributing to climate change. Caffe Inc. therefore processes coffee grounds in Amsterdam and uses these to produce 100% circular and natural ingredients. “We want to act on a sustainable future and not only talk about it. Coffee is something everyone can relate to. By making the circular case for coffee waste we want to inspire others to start working towards a circular economy” – Josephine Nijstad, founding CEO Caffe Inc.
How does it improve life?
Caffe Inc believes in a world where no resource goes to waste. In 2022, Caffe Inc. BV and the Amsterdam Climate and Energy Fund (ACEF) joined forces to realise a 100% circular recycling plant for coffee waste in Amsterdam.