Creating proteins with Intelligent Architecture™ for health and sustainable manufacturing.
How does it work?
Biomatter is a synthetic biology company that creates new proteins for health and sustainable manufacturing applications. They offer end-to-end protein development: complete enzyme or binder development starting from technical specifications to design and production of the ideal protein for application.?
Why is it needed?
The company has developed the Intelligent Architecture™ platform that addresses limitations of current engineering approaches to unlock completely new horizons for protein design and development. The platform blends data-driven generative machine learning and physical models to leverage their respective strengths.
How does it improve life?
The Intelligent Architecture™ platform offers unparalleled jumps in design space, superb design accuracy and speed and efficient multi-parameter optimisation. Biomatter Designs are working with Nvidia, ThermoFisher, Twist Bioscience, Vilnius University and Google for Startups.