ClearFlame Engine Technologies
Decarbonising heavy-duty engines to run cleaner and cheaper.
How does it work?
ClearFlame Engine Technologies is empowering hard-to-electrify sectors, including long-haul trucking, agriculture, power generation, and more to transform heavy-duty engines to run more cost-effectively and cleaner on 100% renewable, plant-based fuels. Easily integrated into existing engines or the production flow, the technology potentially provides the fastest and lowest cost path to decarbonization for these sectors, without changing how engines perform.
Why is it needed?
The climate can’t wait. The need for energy independence and fossil-fuel alternatives is more urgent than ever. ClearFlame technology can transform existing heavy-duty engines to drive a more equitable future beyond diesel, sooner. They enable rapid and large-scale reduction of CO2 and air quality emissions and set a new standard for heavy-duty sustainability.
How does it improve life?
ClearFlame promises 100% same efficiency and 100% same torque as existing engines. Grounded in technology developed in university-based doctoral studies at Stanford, ClearFlame’s Clear Combustion was validated using over $3 million in grant funding. Their technology is supported by leading industry manufacturers, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation, Clean Energy Ventures, and world-class accelerators like StartX, I-Corps, Chain Reaction Innovations, WERCBench Labs.