"The Future of Freight is Rail"
How does it work?
Parallel is developing a new patent-pending vehicle architecture to increase utilization of today's rail network. The autonomous battery-electric rail vehicles transport standard shipping containers as a single or double stacked load. The vehicles can self-assemble en route as platoons on the nation’s existing rail infrastructure. More flexible than traditional trains, the rail vehicles enable more responsive service and a wider range of routes.
Why is it needed?
Parallel’s battery-electric rail vehicles use just 25% of the energy compared to a semi-truck, and offer the lowest operational cost of any surface freight transportation mode. Parallel achieves superior energy efficiency because it is lighter and more aerodynamic than freight trains. Less energy means smaller batteries, less strain on the grid, and lower charging infrastructure costs. Parallel aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by converting trucking freight to electric rail.
How does it improve life?
Parallel Systems is decarbonizing freight by building a cleaner, automated rail future. Parallel’s zero-emissions rail vehicles are more flexible than traditional trains, allowing railroads to open new markets, increase infrastructure utilization, and improve service. We enable railroads to convert part of the $700 billion U.S trucking industry to rail.