Arak-Pack packaging recycles other packaging lines resulting in an innovative and sustainable cycle.
Arak-Pack consists of an innovative proposal of packaging, characterized by two fitting modules, preferably made of recycled PET, and a compressible packing inside of them resulting in an assembly block. To the three "R" that drive sustainable practices – Reduce / Reuse / Recycle – we have added a fourth one – Recreate. Before, the consumer was the agent responsible for the disposal of packaging. With Arak-Pack packaging the consumer becomes a multiplying and eco-creative agent through the change of consumer habits. This paradigm shift underscores the importance the consumers have for the manufacturer and the role each of us has in the world. We do not propose transforming waste but avoiding the packages to be perceived as waste after use. Evidently, a more sustainable packaging is not the one that generates less waste, nor the one which can be recycled, but that which the consumer does not throw away because he/she sees in it values which are incompatible with its disposal.