Upwards Farms
Upwards farms marry modern vertical farming with the ancient farming practice of aquaponics.
How does it work?
Aquaponics uses fish to fertilize crops in a complete ecosystem. In indigenous aquaponic practices, the fish swim directly below plants, and their manure makes the soil more fertile. We have revolutionized this technique by raising fish and plants in their own ideal environments within an intact ecosystem, achieving new levels of quality, safety, and productivity.
Why is it needed?
Our breakthrough approach unlocks a soil microbiome that’s a million times more dense, fertile, and productive than chemically treated soil or synthetic hydroponic indoor farms. Following nature’s blueprint for ecosystems within the controlled environment of indoor farms gives us the best of both worlds. We grow a rich, naturally intelligent microbiome that optimizes health, nutrition, and efficiency.
How does it improve life?
The technology makes vertical farming more feasible because both plants, fish and microbiomes are grown in a controlled setting. Production can be local, so transportation is minimized and produce is fresh.