Carbon Crusher
We Make Carbon Negative Roads
How does it work?
We offer carbon crushing as a service to you as public or private road owner or contractor, helping you identify problem areas and giving you long term road security with end-to-end service and support along the way.
Why is it needed?
The world is covered with more than ~40 million miles (70 million km) of roads connecting people and keeping our society moving. Building and maintaining these roads are also a source of 400 million tons of CO2 emissions annually, while they at the same time suffer from huge refurbishment lag. We tackle both of these problems, refurbishing roads in a faster, cheaper and more durable way – and increasing circularity and absorbing carbon.
How does it improve life?
Carbon negative Circular Cheaper Faster More durable Growing populations has led to many problems that are universal across the globe. At Carbon Crusher, we are committed to help solve some of the big global problems, making a positive impact on our planet. ?Climate Crisis – making carbon negative roads and increasing circularity and durability Infrastructure Investment Gaps – cheaper, faster and more durable refurbishment Road Safety– saving lives and driving experience