GROVE: connectivity, redefined
A cross-platform content aggregator that reduces the carbon emissions of digital entertainment.
GROVE aims to help achieve digital sustainability by reducing the internet’s carbon footprint. By applying AI to source and curate personalised entertainment from across the web, GROVE subtly shifts users away from energy-intensive video-only platforms and offers users a personalised selection of mixed media including articles and podcasts, which are proven to be at least 33 times less energy-intensive than videos. Already accounting for 80% of global internet usage, video streaming not only exacerbates climate change, but the platforms use algorithms that keep users hooked for endless hours. Although there are many entertainment platforms, none build their algorithms with design ethics in mind. This is what enables GROVE’s users to be in total control of recommended entertainment and gives them complete confidence that their actions have minimal impact on the planet. GROVE is in development and made possible with mentors from Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art.