Micro plastic interception equipment for degradation by Bacteria in water treatment plant.
Coolsula is a microplastics interception and degradation equipment which can improve the content of microplastics in drinking water. It is set between the clarification station and the sterilization station of the water treatment plant. The clarified water is filtered through the coolsula interception tank for microplastics, and then the microplastics liquid containing a small amount of water is introduced into the degradation tank for long-term degradation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The degradation tank is equipped with a radial film which can make Pseudomonas aeruginosa increase the contact area with the micro plastic; the top solar convex lens provides far-infrared heating power to maintain 36 ℃ to 42 ℃ in the degradation tank, so that Pseudomonas aeruginosa can survive and accelerate the decomposition efficiency.