Plantera, home grown products reimagined
Growing foods brings us closer to our food, giving us reasons to make better food choices
Since when was food(, glorious food) reduced to boxes on a shelf in a supermarket? It’s time to reconnect with nature, and experience the mini miracle of growing your own food. We’ve fallen out of sync with our planet. At PlantEra, we see food-growing as a way to understand nature and reduce our impact - plus you can’t beat the taste of freshly-picked produce. From baby tomatoes to exotic herbs, prepare to be inspired. Our food growing kits come with everything you need to get started - designed to work with your space & your lifestyle. Unfortunately, the stark truth is what we put in our mouths is responsible for 25% of global emissions - more than any other industry. BUT on the flip side, we can quickly make a huge difference by just making better food decisions - ones that don’t cost the earth. We combine our knowledge and passion for growing fresh veg, fruit & herbs to create a user-friendly experience that unlocks the taste of home grown.