Improve air quality at home
A better access to safe water by adapting a water sterilizer on different supports.
Water is vector of many parasites, bacteria or viruses. Access to safe drinking water is a major challenge for sustainable development and is a problem in many countries of the Middle East and Africa. My idea was to create a water sterilizer intended to those in need in Africa and adaptable to their installations and to the means that they have on hand to drink and to find clean water (garbage, plastic bottles, faucet..) A small product for a particular, personal or domestic purpose. There are already many relatively efficient filters like activated carbon filters used to filter minerals and some dangerous bacteria. The solution I have chosen: UV-C sterilizer. Dirty water enters into a stainless steel tank around a very pure transparent quartz tube with high permeability. UV-C penetrate to the heart of the DNA and disturb the metabolism of cells until their total destruction. All germs are inactivated and can not reproduce. Available for NGO who can maintain the product.