The social network you check once a week, on Sunday.
Social media companies promised us a way to stay connected. Instead, they delivered attention hijacking notifications and never-ending feeds. We built Sundayy so we could use technology in a way that's better for us, not advertisers. Sundayy represents spending time away from feeds, thinking deeper about our days, and sharing what matters with the people who matter. Sundayy is the only social network designed to be used less, so it works a little differently. Monday to Saturday, you take time each day to reflect intentionally and slow down. Once you reflect go live your life, there are no feeds to check. Reflections are revealed once a week on Sunday, where you see your friends' week as they lived it, in their own words. Sundayy does not, and never will, rent or sell your personal data to any third party for any purpose. Nor do we, or will we, permit targeted advertising of any kind.