Mask 2.0
A face mask that is designed so you can wear it all day
The Maskº 2.0 is made of a viscose and PBT polyester blend, it’s machine washable, and the hygroscopic material pulls moisture to the core of the fiber, making it soft, breathable, and dry after even hours of wear. Because it’s 3D printed, MoS (Ministry of Supply) was able to quickly iterate new prototypes in hours and test the shape and texture of different fabrics, meaning the resulting mask is a great fit and very comfortable—which is important if you don’t want people constantly touching their face to adjust. The Maskº 2.0 features lighter construction that makes it easier to wear all day. In fact, this iteration boasts a 50% reduction in weight from the previous version. Its extended sizes guarantee a protective, correct fit for all different shapes and sizes of faces, and updated to super-soft ear loops add comfort. These design edits were made to create a more comfortable and practical everyday mask for wearers, and the change were all based on customer