Street Moves (1-minute-city)
Interactive tools for creating dynamic public spaces
During the autumn, ArkDE's project Street moves was seen on the streets of Stockholm. The project consists of interactive kits that will change how we use the city's streets! With the help of the kit, municipalities or residents can quickly create space for play, outdoor gym, cultivation, social hubs or anything else that gives the street life. Now we want to spread the concept across the country. Soon, unique kits will also be in placed in Gothenburg and Helsingborg. If you are interested in taking the project to your city, get in touch with ArkDes Think Tank by emailing ArkDes Think Tank is leading the project together with Vinnova. Others included in the initiative include Volvo Car Mobility, Voi, Lundberg Design, One Motion, the Swedish Transport Agency and the City of Stockholm's Traffic Office.