Encouraging kids with CF to practise airway clearance therapy with playful devices
Peppy is a product that incentivises children with Cystic Fibrosis to practise airway clearance therapy, through the use of playful attachments. Peppy also functions as a spirometer, meaning, it records the user’s lung function levels and logs it on an app. Peppy harnesses the potential energy of a child's breath which is being expelled when they perform PEP therapy, and using it to better that child's experience. Peppy is a form of PEP therpy. Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy is an airway clearance technique for CF patients. By breathing out with a moderate force against a resistor in the mouthpiece, a positive pressure is generated in the airways, helping to keep them open and dislodge mucus. The routine can become rather monotonous, so Peppy makes it exciting and enjoyable through the use of fun attachments that the user can play with using their breath.