Sekerbank offers special loans to micro-farmers in danger of losing their lands due to recent laws.
Recently introduced laws and policies on agriculture in Turkey made it impossible to do micro-farming in Turkey, which has drastic results as many farmers face the danger of losing their lands. This has larger and radical latter effects on the society and culture, as those farmers who lose their lands would eventually move to bigger cities to find jobs, creating slums in over-populated ever-growing cities while their local culture would gradually disappear every time a farmer leaves his land. As the micro-farmers quit farming, the agriculture industry gets even more dominated by larger companies and becomes vulnerable to profit-aimers than food producers, therefore to unhealthy agricultural practices such as GMO. Therefore, one of the oldest banks in Turkey, Sekerbank, offers special loans to micro-farmers to expand their lands and encourage collective agriculture. The promotion campaign also raised awareness on the topic with its quite sentimental commercial.