Swimor is contemporary, high quality swimwear made out of recycled fishing nets.
Swimsor is hand made in Slovenia. We use a infinitely recyclable material Econyl, made out of recycled fishing nets. As a regenerated polyamide, sourced from synthetic waste like industrial plastic, textile leftovers and fishing nets, it is locally re-made into nylon yarn, which is the same quality as virgin nylon. Our yarn has a dramatically smaller environmental impact. Our added value is not only in the material itself but in local production on all levels - the yarn is produced in Slovenia, the material is manufactured 470 km away in Italy and the swimwear is sewn in a renowned factory of intimates in Slovenia. When our customers wear out their Swimsor pieces, they will be able to return them as part of our SorCycle program. The material will be recycled into new pieces or new materials, such as building materials. This way, we’re making the capitalist a better place by pioneering closed loop regeneration processes and delivering sustainable products.