Bee Home
Bee Home is an open invitation for everyone to give bees the home they deserve.
Our lives — and planet Earth as a whole — would be very different if solitary bees didn’t exist. They're vital for flowers, trees, animals and people. In fact, a third of what we eat depends on these busy, buzzing insects and other pollinators. But, because of human impact, bees are in danger of going extinct. We’ve unwittingly destroyed their homes and natural habitats when building our own homes, cities and landscaped our gardens. We’ve turned to pesticides, chemicals and monoculture in farming, causing wildflower meadows to rapidly vanish across the planet. That’s why we at SPACE10 want to make ​it easy for anyone anywhere to design a beautiful home for these vital species. Bee Home is an open invitation for everyone to give bees the home they deserve — and to make sure that planet Earth thrives.