Carcel - reimagining fashion
The business model of Carcel is designed to educate women incarcerated for nonviolent crimes.
Both socially and environmentally, Carcel are pursuing a positive impact agenda. Founded in 2016, Carcel produce clothing from natural materials sourced locally in the region of production - Alpaca in Peru, silk and lyocell in Thailand. They do not work within seasons or have sales. While following the less is more ethos, Carcel produce in limited quantities to eliminate overproduction. The main cause of female incarceration in Thailand and Peru is drug-trafficking committed by single mothers who need to provide for their families. Carcel have set up and run their own production sites inside of women’s prisons in order to provide an opportunity for financial inclusion and skills development, so women can support themselves, their families and save up for release. Carcels teams are talented and powerful women, and they are proud to work develop every design with the incarcerated women, mixing danish simplicity and local craftsmanship.