Klikkit from the Hablab
The Klikkit solution helps activate citizens in their medical treatment
Klikkit is the holistic IoMT solution that can help patients increase adherence while supporting payers and providers to remotely monitor patient populations and ad-hoc intervene for stratification through smart IoMT devices and connected dashboards. Klikkit combines IoMT and behavioural science to help patients increase adherence to any aspect of their treatment. Also, Klikkit enables hospitals and HCPs to remotely monitor and ad-hoc intervene in patient populations with minimum effort. ​Klikkit is a smart tracker that can be attached to any aspect of treatment: all types of medications, monitoring devices or physiotherapy equipment. Klikkit can also be attached to other essential aspects of a daily routine, such drinking water, nutrition, personal hygiene. One button per element of treatment. Buttons can then be programmed to sound and light as many times a day as the citizen need to take action. Once the citizen has completed the task, he can stop the alarm by pressing the button.