Concept for an infection-free playground
How do you keep children safe on the playground during a global pandemic? Asking themselves this question, Berlin-based inventors Martin Binder and Claudio Rimmele created Rimbin, a concept for an infection-free playground. The space provides children with individual platforms, allowing them to see, communicate with and play games with each other safely. Parents, meanwhile, are able to keep an eye out from a distance. Binder, a designer and artist, and Rimmele, a psychologist and publicist, came up with the idea after seeing playgrounds in Berlin become ‘forbidden areas’ during the country’s quarantine period. Knowing the well-established importance of recreational activity for the physical and mental development of children, the pair ventured to design a solution. ‘Even though playgrounds have reopened in Germany,’ they say, ‘playing together with unknown children cannot be as relaxed for the time being,’ with the risk of infection still at large.