This project aims to spread information about gender inequality on Wikipedia.
www.yourbiassolutions.com believes that the best solutions start with knowledge. Did you know that globally only 9% of Wikipedia's editors identify as female? The project seeks to explain the complexities of Wikipedia as tangible examples of common structures and biases within knowledge production and knowledge management as a whole. This page is here to inform you about gender imbalance on Wikipedia, the oppressive structures that reinforce it, the biases which are created and how this impacts the content. As you will learn, Wikipedia is directly mirroring general power structures and imbalances seen in society_. Therefore, many of the findings from analysing Wikipedia make tangible examples of tendencies commonly present in the field of Knowledge production and knowledge management. You are hereby invited to ask yourself: "Who produces the truth?" and find out who is the author of the grand encyclopedia, what consequences it has, and what you can do about it.