Sukkha Citta
Sustainable clothing that provides sustainable jobs in Indonesia
98% of women who make your clothes don't earn enough to meet their basic needs. While millions of women care for their families through handmade fabrics, the way the system currently works keep her in poverty. Through layers of factories and middlemen, she's kept small and invisible. We're here to change that. The heart of SukkhaCitta is in Indonesia's rural villages. We go far by plane, train, motorbike, foot (and the occassional boat) to find these craftswomen - and connect them to you. We then invest in trainings and capacity building for at least 1 year, where she can elevate her craft and learn business skills. Through this, each of our 354 artisans & farmers has increased their income by 60% on average. In our 7 villages across Java, Kalimantan Bali and Flores, your clothes are supporting the livelihoods of 1,282 lives. That's something you can truly feel good about!