Kurnik (Chicken Coop)
Chicken coop in golden ratio with hidden egg allegories
The design of the chicken coop is based on proven knowledge. Hens need a pasture, a raised safe night shelter, and nests where they lay eggs. The wooden construction of the hen house, designed in a golden cut, carries a perfect cube with a side of one meter, to which the hens ascend the ladder via a lifting flap. The cube has nests, a sleeping area and a water tank. Nests with eggs are accessible to the owner from the back of the henhouse. Perforations on the ceiling of nests that allow ventilation form a pattern of our galaxy, as according to the stories of ancient religions, the universe was formed from an egg. Hens can observe a golden egg attached to a cube with the inscription in ancient Greek “God always uses geometry” while grazing. The owner can thus hope that the golden egg will inspire one of the hens to start hatching them as well.