SOCIAL CAPITAL CREDITS The community currency for social good
This year, Asia Initiatives is launching the SoCCs App and Web Platform to radically improve our ability to scale and make projects sustainable. Smartphone tech is the wave of the future and AI is bringing philanthropy into the 21st Century! For too long, financial capital has been the one and only resource that is considered in poverty alleviation and development. Social capital is the glue that holds communities together, it is the desire to do good for those besides yourself. With environmental capital, social capital is the key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and solving poverty once and for all. Innovated by Dr. Geeta Mehta in 2014, SoCCs is our answer to this question. In 18 sites across the world, we have seen SoCCs not only change the lives of individuals, but transform whole communities from the ground up. It is a powerful tool that can be leveraged in any community, neighborhood, society — regardless of income or strata. That is why we support SoCCs.