Universal Family Care
A Public Family Care Insurance Fund To Make Care Affordable And Accessible To All
We’ve been taught that families take care of their own. And yet — as more people live longer, working millennials become parents, fewer households can rely on stay-at-home caregivers, and the meaning of family evolves — providing care has become too unmanageable for many to handle alone. Imagine if it were manageable. If new parents could draw on a public family care insurance fund to take paid leave to bond with their new babies and then use it pay for trusted daycare so that they can return to work. If relatives of an aging loved one could tap into that same fund to hire a home care worker so they don’t have to quit their jobs and move cross-country to provide care. If a worker could take their benefits from job to job and not wonder if taking leave or starting a business would affect their ability to care for family. That’s the future we’re building with Universal Family Care. It’s visionary yet simple. It covers any care need, for any person, at any stage of life.