P.E.T MINI Electric Skateboard
End stressful commutes while simultaneously giving you the perfect last mile recycled green vehicle.
PET MINI Seeks to end stressful commutes in overcrowded cities while simultaneously giving you the perfect last mile recycled green vehicle. Promoting soft means of mobility in the city while simultaneously tackling waste problems in the city are fundamental for the future of design and of city life. The PET MINI Skateboard seeks out to unveil to users that recycled plastics can have exceptional properties with a special emphasis on patterns and forms. Seeking to initiate a conversation around the problem of plastics by evoking a sense of curiosity around the Lifecyle of these types of materials. An open design route was opted as it allows to share the knowledge and motivate more designers worldwide to rethink and experiment with the use of recycled thermoplastics, all the design files and knowledge were shared on the Wikifactory platform. P.E.T MINI, seeks to inspire future creatives to experiment the broad possibilities using recycled thermoplastics.