An online march uniting girls around the world
On October 11th 2019 for Day of the Girl, Girls Who Code organised the first-ever global digital march, inviting girls around the world to stand up for what matters to them. To join the march, participants posted a video marching and shared it on social media using #MarchForSisterhood and #DayofTheGirl. Girls all over used the caption to tell people why they marched and bring awareness to what they’re passionate about! Today, girls—and all who identify as girls—are more connected to one another than ever before. Our ideas and dreams spread quickly from one smartphone to another, allowing us to share our lives with another girl, family, and community a world away. And our connection isn’t merely digital. It’s rooted in a mutual understanding of the world we’re inheriting. On International Day of the Girl, we celebrated that power and potential by marching together in the one place where we’ve always learned from one another, supported one another, inspired one another—online.