Youmma Solar
Pay-as-you-go solar fridge
Through solar energy, we explore new cold chain frontiers in off-grid and underserved regions, facilitating access to food, improving food preservation and enabling new business opportunities. Our fridges were designed for extreme affordability based on off-grid families and small business daily problems. Youmma partnered with M-Kopa (Swahili for borrow), a Kenyan solar energy company, to offer the fridges as part of a solar home system that includes two LED light bulbs, two strip lights, and two phone chargingcables. For that reason we are using the most advanced compressor technology paired with smart energy management and full PAYGO integration to make refrigeration available everywhere under the sun. Whether empowering women in rural areas, improving preservation or helping local business to strive, our solutions can play a major role in creating value for people living in extreme conditions.