Connected beehive for beekeeping
Hostabee was set up to save our bees, and therefore, our planet. Since 2015, we have been developing connected objects for use in beekeeping. Our B-Keep and B- Warm units enable beekeepers worldwide to track and monitor their bee colonies remotely. Hostabee is a pioneer in universal and affordable connected hives and is today a global leader in the agri-tech sector. In close collaboration with Orange, our solutions use the latest technologies in terms of connectivity and artificial intelligence. We combine new technologies with ongoing research in the field, in direct contact with professionals from the sector and beekeepers, to meet their needs as closely as possible. We are convinced that this is the best way to respond to the global ecological and economic issue of the disappearance of pollinators. If properly used, technology can be used to promote a cleaner and more sensible agriculture, full of promise.