DYPP: Exploring seaweed as bioplastic
DYPP explores the future potential of seaweed as bioplastic through strategic use of design.
What if local food could have locally produced packaging? And what if packaging could nourish the content or release nutrients when eaten? The overarching goal of our design proposal is to make a contribution to upscale seaweed farming in Norway and move towards a green shift. About 70% of the earth’s surface is water. To meet the needs of future population growth and climate change, we have to look to the ocean. How might we use the inherent potential of seaweed to tackle some of these challenges? DYPP is a design diploma exploring the future potential of seaweed as bioplastic through strategic use of design. Based on our own explorations, interviews and feedback from experts, our design proposal consists of a roadmap and four future scenarios. The aim of the roadmap is to create an overview and illustrate key steps and relations between the industry, government and research departments.