Fake video solved
We are on a mission to create a 'truth layer' for video and combat fake video and deepfakes. Our patented infrastructure and robust enterprise security SaaS tools give stakeholders confidence in the veracity of audio and video so you can prevent fraud, reputation loss, and stakeholder mistrust. Amber Detect uses signal processing and artificial intelligence to identify maliciously-altered audio and video, such as that of deepfakes, and which is intended to sow disinformation and distrust. Detect is for customers who need to analyze the authenticity of videos, the source of which is unknown. Amber Authenticate fingerprints recordings at source and tracks their provenance using smart contracts, from capture through to playback, even when the video is cut and combined. Authenticate is for multistakeholder situations, such as with governments and parts of the private sector, and creates trustlessness so that no party has to trust each other (or Amber).