Pathai University Hospital
University Hospitals enhance the health of people living in rural areas and provide jobs.
Lack of health services and jobs in rural areas push people to move to urban areas and the poor live in slums in urban cities. University hospitals provide people with Health care services, awareness about hygiene, job opportunities, graduate education to locals, research opportunities among others. By providing hygienic water fountains at hospitals, people can benefit from clean water, which is scarce in rural areas of South East Asia. With such health institutions, the overall standard of living is improved. Also, investment comes in the region and businesses flourish. In today's era, Solar Panels can be installed at the rooftop of such projects. In rural areas, we can built these projects horizontally, which is only the ground floor, for the land is cheap to buy. With Solar Panels covering the roof, the whole project can run on its own and as no multi-story buildings, the requirement of elevator is not there, so the power consumption is less.