Waste Sustainable Handling
Transforming waste into secondary materials with a measurable economic value in the local market
The WaSH project develops sustainable waste management systems with a circular economy perspective. Materials that are currently perceived as ‘waste’ with no direct reuse potential and no economic value is transformed, via low-tech recycling, into secondary materials with a measurable economic value in the local market. In India the project target the increasing amount of soft plastic waste in rural and semi rural areas. Local communities have been involved in co-designing local technical solutions to transform the plastic waste into a valuable resource. The result have been the development of a brick, made of 100% soft plastic waste, that can withstand six tons of pressure and used to address the continues deterioration of their mud houses during the monsoon season. Using a locally manufactured mold and solar grill local entrepreneurs in the villages can melt and transform the plastic waste into a valuable reuse, proving additional economy, development and security in the communities.