Catapult: Lutz Pod
Prototype driverless cars to be tested in the heart of four British cities!
The prototype driverless cars to be tested in the heart of four British cities are unveiled. The British government claiming the nation is uniquely placed to lead the development of the technology. An autonomous shuttle traversing the North Greenwich plaza beside O? Arena will mark a small but significant step on the way to what ministers and engineers hope will be a safer, less-congested, driverless future. Business secretary Vince Cable said the trials, backed by £19m worth of funding from the government, would keep the UK at the cutting edge of automotive technology and should bring more highly-skilled jobs to the UK.A Department for Transport review of road laws has given the trials a green light. Three different autonomous vehicles will start operating from spring 2015 in public urban spaces, in tests that will assess the public’s interaction with the vehicles as much as the evolving technology.