Pavilion-The cabin connection between the forest and spirit
Enjoy and appreciate nature without having a negative impact on the local environment.
Building in nature is paradox. How can we – residents, tourists, architects, Meditator who enjoy and appreciate nature, the Latvian forest without having a negative impact on the local environment? In now day ,natural landmarks are being slowly loved to death by people , they want to enhance concentration by nature environment ,but the pavilion concept offers an alternative , where architecture facilitates immersive access to the landscape and promotes environmental conservation. Either in a cathedral or a Buddhist pagoda,sun lighting is altered by the height and span of arches. In this project, I use the arch volume difference sets to make an empty space for spiritual activities. While the profile of the cabin takes cues from the pavilion, with empty and arch , the building morphology is in fact a very literal response to both the individual mind and the nature of meditation, closing the inner, more spiritual environment, from the outside world.