Game Creatures - A Service for Teachers to Teach Kids Game Design
Inspire the values ignored by cramming education in Taiwan by teaching kids to design group games.
Due to the mainstream value of diplomaism, Taiwanese students have long suffered from cramming education. Exams and standard answers have resulted in the gradual loss in children's creativity and passion for learning. Designed to help kids with becoming active learners and cultivate creativity, Game Creatures was developed by designers in collaboration with the teachers in the school education system. The team has found that games play the most important role in kids' lives and can trigger kids' desire for learning, especially when they create their own games. The Game Creatures project helps kids from the age of 9-12 to design games through an exclusive game design method. With the assistance of the customized toolkits, game and teacher community, Game Creatures ensures that children can develop creativity, design thinking, teamwork, and active-learning from a young age. Near 150 kids have participated in the project. They're reaching out to more teachers to make the impact in Taiwan.