Luminous hills
The creativity visits- the self-moving electricity illuminate the system
Preface What is meant by next generation parks? The park in present visits, not outside slide, swing, and seesaw...etc., The pattern, function one lacks the pleasant impression, The device damages, illuminate the shortage, hide the crisis, Even not agree with to match the safe rules! How does the parent have peace of mind to let a kid heartily a game? Playing is the kid's instinct nature Security, absolute for initially attend to read aloud The park then is the massest choice Next generation parks visit to have the beginning from the creativity! Design the motive In any city park, public expenditure(illuminate) always governmental one is major to expend. How just can reduce these expenditures? Design the target The child acted while playing produce of kinetic energy, Convert into the electric power that provides the game field the area to illuminate, Then be good enough to provide the lighting in nighttime to make use of again.