Kinnos' product Highlight® is the new standard of infection prevention
During the Ebola outbreak in 2014, one out of every 20 deaths was a healthcare worker who contracted the disease while treating infected patients. This loss of healthcare personnel in West Africa has been estimated to cause an additional 25,000 deaths per year. Effective disinfection of surfaces in treatment centers is a top priority for health services around the world to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The startup Kinnos aims to raise the standard of infectious disease decontamination. Their first product, Highlight, is a point-of-use additive that greatly improves visibility, coverage, and end-user compliance of disinfectants. Highlight has been used at Ebola treatment centers in Liberia and Guinea, in Haiti for cholera, and in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. The Fire Department of New York HazMat team has also adopted the product, and Highlight will soon be launched for use in hospitals.