Advanced Stop Bleeding Kit (ASK+) for Public Space
The Advanced Stop Bleeding Kit (ASK+) for Public Space, to help save lives from bleeding.
Injuries claim a staggering 4.9 million deaths (data according to WHO) worldwide annually. More than 40% of these deaths were due to traumatic bleeding, which is one of top 10 leading causes of death globally. The mortality rate can be reduced drastically by 60% if profuse bleeding can be stopped before the arrival of an ambulance. This led us to design Advanced Stop Bleeding Kit (ASK+) for Public Space. ASK can be modified in number and size easily according to the installation location and particular requirements, thus making it ideal for various locations. It is easily accessible, easy to use and contains our flagship USFDA approved emergency hemostat, Axiostat, specifically designed to stop moderate to severe bleeding within minutes of application. ASK also comes with pictorial instructions, making it easy to use by any untrained person including children. Our vision is to develop affordable, high impact medical products that can solve unmet healthcare needs of emerging markets.