Counteracting the social and psychological effects of technology on today's youth.
In 1836 scientist Michael Faraday invented the Faraday Shield. A mesh material, covered with a continuous coating of nickel, offering electromagnetic shielding. Little did he know at the time of creation how important this invention would be to the physiological wellbeing of the 21st-century student. His discovery will create an oasis in the media jungle we now live in. FARADAY will be a technology-free oasis situated on or nearby every university campus worldwide. It will be a social hub that seamlessly blends a cafe and bar into an atmospheric lounging zone for students to meet up with friends leaving all the pressures of university and daily life at the door. By using the FARADAY shield to cancel out all electromagnetic signalling, this will encourage communication and allow students to truly connect with their friends and peers. It will also help the students mental health with the benefits of face to face communication and create a sense of community.