One Concern: Future-Proofing the Cities of Tomorrow
One Concern enables a disaster-free future through AI-enabled technology, policy, and finance.
Ahmad Wani understands the impact of climate change, having lived through the 2014 Kashmir flood in chest-high water. The experience prompted Ahmad to join forces with fellow Stanford students, Nicole Hu and Timothy Frank, to design a platform that marries AI and hazard modeling to save lives in disasters. With One Concern, it's now possible to create an AI-enabled resilience strategy that strengthens communities, protects people and property, and optimizes infrastructure investments. The technology, which was first adopted by San Francisco and L.A., revolutionizes the world's understanding of the built and natural environments so that the public and private sectors can take action to build long-term resiliency in the face of climate change and the rise of deadly natural disasters. At the same time, the platform provides insights so that policy-makers can alleviate the cascading effects these events have on issues such as climate refugees, food security, or access to clean water.