Talking Hands
Wearables that translate sign language into speech.
We either need a common language or an active translator for succesful communication. Talking Hands offers this translation for signers to be able to express themselves vocally to non-signers. Wearing smart gloves and armstraps, the hearing or speech impaired can sign, and the mobile app will translate it into speech. Communication goes both ways so the app also translates speech into sign language for the signer. Two modes of translation allow either simultaneous communication as the signer signs, or gramatically correct translation as the signer completes the sentence. The gloves + armstraps contain overall 28 sensors to capture every movement of the hands and the position of the body. The multitude of sensors makes adapting the product to other sign languages easier. Signers are able to define and add their own words and shortcuts for common sentences. Users can learn and practice signing with the training module of the app.