Light Stoma
The Light Stoma is a modular energy-saving design that can help people to avoid hot weather.
The light stoma is a modular energy-saving design that can be quickly assembled and disassembled to reduce the construction time. No matter indoors or outdoors, the design itself can detective the current weather conditions and sunlight, and analyzed to control the size of the opening of the stomas to achieve the effect of ambient temperature regulation. The design of the stoma will adjust the size of the opening through the sunlight of the site by using light detector. For example, the sun is hot at noon and the stomas are all closed, but as the sun gradually falls, the stomas will slowly open. The installation of this design in the city allows people in outdoor activities to have more shaded space. The design can also be scaled down to install interior space, such as glass windows, which can shield unnecessary sunlight. This design also can reduce the use of air condition, and effectively reduce the CO2 by controlling the amount of wind in and out to adjust the indoor temperature.