Saving space in homes and offices for people to utilize their environment effectively
A busy world, a modern world where there are so many noises in a society, homes, and apartments are the places we can be at ease for a short moment. However, as the population grows rapidly space for living becomes tinier and tinier every year. Until the place for relaxing is also the place to suffer and feel smaller. Many are left with the confined space and putting only a few pieces of furniture does not correspond with the needs. This is an issue the company would like to provide an alternative option for the aesthetics and function of the design and evoke better emotions in the homes and for people to utilize their space effectively. A great writer can transform the whole world of the reader, Samuel Beckett is one of the greatest writers that inspired us in life, hence the name of the table. In this case, we aimed to design a table that is able to transform the whole community.